Deploy an AI-powered Chatbot in less than 1 hour

    npm i -g basebot-cli
    basebot create

Why Basebot?

01 Accelerated "Time to Value"

Basebot allows you to start writing business-logic within minutes. All of the integration work is done for you, allowing you to start building value from day one.

We have an ever-growing library of platform connectors, storage modules, authentication methods and more!

02 Extensive platform support

Support multiple platforms from the same codebase!

Basebot acts as an adapter, allowing you to write bot skills that require little-to-no alteration to work with multiple platforms. Need a chatbot that runs on Alexa and your website?

Basebot has you covered.

03 Built and backed by experts

Basebot is built and maintained by ANS. One of the UK's leading Cloud and Digital services providers.

Whether you build with Basebot on your own, or use it as a springboard for an engagement with us, we're always here to help and we're constantly making imrovements and adding features.

Getting Started

Creating a new project

To create a new project, install the basebot CLI tool and run the basebot create command. This will scaffold a new project in your current directory. Enter the following when prompted:

  • What is your project name? my-first-bot
  • What is the name of your bot? BottyMcBotface
  • How do you want people to be able to access your bot? Direct (Web, Apps etc) select with <space> and press <enter> to confirm.
  • What do you want to use for storage? Azure Table Storage
  • Do you wish to use an NLP service? Microsoft LUIS
  • (Optional) Do you require any third party authorization support? None
  • Would you like to aggregate your production logs with Papertrail? No

        npm i -g basebot-cli
        basebot create
        ? What is your project name? my-first-bot
        ? What is the name of your bot? BottyMcBotface
        ? How do you want people to be able to access your bot? Direct (Web, Apps etc)
        ? What do you want to use for storage? Azure Table Storage
        ? Do you wish to use an NLP service? Microsoft LUIS
        ? (Optional) Do you require any third party authorization support? None
        ? Would you like to aggregate your production logs with Papertrail? No

Configuring your environment

Open the .env file inside your project root. Add your LUIS endpoint URL and your storage connection string as shown. Also, change "YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME" to your Docker username if you have one.

To make sure everything is working, start your bot with npm run dev

No errors? Congrats! you're ready to start writing some code.

          npm run dev
          > DEBUG=server* node-env-run --exec 'nodemon --exec babel-node -- ./index.js'          
          [nodemon] 1.19.1
          [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
          [nodemon] watching: *.*
          [nodemon] starting `babel-node ./index.js`